Live life to the full

Congrats on getting into uni - there’s heaps to look forward to and a new phase of life to discover. As a Christian we would love to encourage you to be part of a Christian community on-campus.

But, maybe you’re not sure if you have time? Do I need to be join a group as I already go to church? Who is ES? Hear from a few of our students in our ES groups in Adelaide sharing why they think you should get involved during your time at uni.


Why ES if I’m busy?

I’m not sure I have time to be in the Christian group at uni.

What if I don’t have enough time?

Why join ES?


Why ES when I already go to church?

I’m a Christian - why should I join a Christian group on-campus

Won’t my church involvement suffer?

Why join ES?


Feeling nervous about starting uni ?

Starting uni can be a bit daunting and overwhelming. Meet some others who have done it before you and hear their stories.

Check out why joining ES will be great for your Christian growth while on-campus.


Who is ES?

Let us introduce you to who we are and why we exist as a club on campus.


What is Commencement Camp?

Commencement Camp is a great way to start the year.

Come and meet lots of other first years, read the Bible together and make some new friends.

Are you a Christian and want to get the most out of uni?

Keen to join a Christian group?

Not sure about Jesus?

Are you an International Student?

We would love to get in touch with you - send us your details and we will message or email you the details of our Commencement Camp and the group you are attending.

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