Something Doubly Amazing

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Uni is such a great place for achieving so many things: meeting new people (some of whom will become long-time friends), kickstarting or further developing your career, figuring out who you are and what you believe, as well as discovering new ideas about the world from other people and how to interact with them. You may find that uni is a place to affirm what you had already intended to do with your life. Or alternatively, you may find that it causes a big change in some of your future ambitions.

If you’re only just starting out and are heading to uni this year, these are all challenges you will encounter. You may find when you get there that there is something unique and special about having a friendship with another fellow student. If you’re a Christian, then it is also nice to have friendships with other Christians. But it is doubly amazing to be able to meet and spend time with people who share the joys and ‘tribulations’ of life, who also experience it both as a student and as a follower of Jesus. It provides a place where you can often meet other people who are also doing your course, with whom you can study with and share edifying commonality.

For example, last year when I was studying Data Capture Technologies, I started doing study with a friend Kris who I encountered during online learning due to COVID.  At first our interactions were just study-related.  But we soon discovered in a certain conversation that both of us were Christians and Kris ended up joining one of the student clubs on campus that I was a part of.

When I first went to uni back in the olden days of a previous decade (2014! I know, I’m not a millennial), I was already luckily placed: since I had contacts and family friends who were either involved, or at least connected with people who were involved, in groups on uni campuses that ran clubs and events for people interested in learning more about Jesus.


And perhaps partly because I have a disability, I’m already used to having to find my own way of reaching out to people for various reasons anyway. But it is also true that some people can be a bit shy, or unsure as to how to go about making connections and meeting others.

But if you haven’t done so yet, I would really encourage you to find a Christian group on your campus. I am currently a member of the Christian Union that is on the Deakin University Melbourne Burwood campus. You could always join a club through your uni’s equivalent of a ‘student association, or find contact details for someone involved in a campus group and send an email or make a phone call.

Whatever happens, maybe see you on the other side!

Nathaniel Schmidt

Nathaniel Schmidt is currently studying a Bachelor of Computer Science at Deakin University. He enjoys coffee, playing the drums, cricket, coffee, hanging out with friends, a bit of reading, listening to music and more coffee.


First Year, Take Your Seat at the Table